Get to know us

Les Aroéven, Association Régionale des Oeuvres Educatives et de Vacances de l'Education Nationale.

Les Aroéven, educational partners, with 60 years of experience.


  • A certified “educational association complementary to state schooling”
  • A non-formal education actor.
  • A pedagogical research movement.
  • The Fédération des Aroeven is a registered charity.

“Our actions, inside and out of schools, reflect the values defended by the association. Our educational project and the leisure time activities we organise are based on Respect, Fraternity, Solidarity, Democracy, Secularity and Citizenship...Our activists are educational ones. This is the mean by which we wish to act so that Youth can be autonomous and responsible, adults able to initiate and accompany youth initiatives, for a collective life, rich in learnings and exchanges ”.

Fédération des Aroéven, Common Charter, 2011. 

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Les Aroéven, as a pedagogical movement, promote the idea of permanent and global education.

“Their aim is to contribute to a change in society leading to more social justice thanks to the right for all to succeed.

Our educational project and the leisure time activities we organise are based on Respect, Fraternity, Solidarity, Democracy, Secularity and Citizenship.

Our movement, an educational, researching and training association, fulfils a public service mission. It is a source of policy proposals at national and regional levels”.

Extract of the Fédération des Aroéven Charter, 2011.